Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Christmas Purses.

Here are my new Christmas Purses! I have used plane fabrics in the traditional colours rather than using heavy patterned fabrics, this makes the purses appearance more modern. Nicely decorated with a pleated bow and finished off with a themed button. These purses are large enough to hold cards.

        In Stock

If you would like a hand made Christmas purse please get in touch. Comments are welcome :)

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Hand Knitted Cup Cake Bag and Purse.

This Knitted Cup Cake Bag and Purse was made for a little girl aged 3 for her birthday. My Mum made the knitted bag and the knitted material for the purse and I created the purse. Our customer wanted the bag and purse to be really girlie so my Mum chose bright pink, light pink and white for the colour theme and used these colours in thin stripes.

Price: £15.00                                            In Stock: One of each

I lined the knitted bag and purse with a pink cotton lining and added a cup cake button for decoration. Below shows a few different variations of the bag and purse. If there is a combination of colours you would like, please feel free to email me or leave me a comment.

Although this bag has been knitted and has knitted handles, it is still a strong little bag and the lining also adds durability. A perfect gift for a little girl :)

Comments are welcome.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Cherry Blossom Bag and Purse.

I made this bag for myself!! :) I have been wanting a bag for a while now but hadn't got round to making myself one, so here it is. I chose a dense patterned fabric with small pink flowers on and some matching ribbon. I pleated the ribbon to create a bow and placed a pearl effect rose in the centre.

Price: Bag £25.00 Purse £8.00

I chose a 6" clasp with large bobbles on as i wanted it to be one of the main features on the bag. To match the bag I decorated the purse with the ribbon and the rose in the centre. I have used a bright pink cotton fabric for the lining.

Comments are welcome.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Hand felted Zap Lolly Purse.

This Zap Lolley Purse was made for a friend of mine. I told her about this lovely felt fibre that i had found and so she wanted a purse making out of the fibre! :)

Price: £12.00


I took the colour scheme from the colours existing in the fibres, Lilac and blue. For decoration  a cup cake button was placed with small pearl styled beads.

I named this purse the "Zap Lolley Purse" as it reminded me of the Zap Lolleys you can buy from ice cream vans. with the different colours mixed together.

This is one of my favorite zip purses that i have made as you get a lovely effect when you create the felt with the different coloured fibres.

My friend was really happy with her purse!! :p Comments are welcome.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Hand Felted Flat Bottom Purse.

My latest purse was created for a customer for a birthday present. She requested it to be hand felted with a colour scheme of purple and black, and requested that the design didn't appear too "girlie" 

Price: £12.00

I suggested the silk fibres would be a nice contrast to the purses colour and is also matched to the peal styled beads. The purse was lined with a silky black fabric and tied in with a black bow.  

Comments are welcome :)

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Small Hand Felted Rectangular Purse.

This is a small rectangular purse which is big enough to hold cards. This has been hand felted with glitter and other contrasting fibres to create texture and pattern.

Price: £12.00

Saturday, 9 October 2010

Zebra Clasp Bags.

Here are two different bags, I was asked to make the large bag as a gift for somebody's birthday. This was lined with a black cotton fabric interior. My other customer requested for her personalised bag to be made smaller and without a chain as she wanted to use it as a clutch bag. This clutch has lovely daisy flower detail on the clasp with gems in the centers of the flowers.

Price: clutch bag (daisy detail) £25.00 Large chain bag £30.00

My customers Loved the bags I had made them. Feel free to let me know what your comments are. :p

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Hand Felted Clasp Bag.

This is a hand felted customised bag that I made for a customer. They asked for a turquoise colour to be created, I suggested that silk and glitter fibres would work well with the overall appearance of the bag and my customer was really happy with the outcome. 

Price: £35.00 
let me know what you think, by commenting. :)

Monday, 4 October 2010

Custom made, Knitted Bamboo Bag.

Here are some photos of my mums bags. Since i bought her a knitting magazine, she cant stop making them!! get in touch if you would like a custom made knitted bag In a colour scheme of your choice :)

Price: £20.00

Comments are welcome.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Custom made Butterfly Purses.

Custom made Butterfly Purses for a customer who wanted these as stocking fillers for her three children at Christmas time.

Feel free to leave a comment. :)

Some of my Earlier Works

Some of my previous works based on a Star Design with a Silver Oval Clasp. :)