Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Hand Knitted Cup Cake Bag and Purse.

This Knitted Cup Cake Bag and Purse was made for a little girl aged 3 for her birthday. My Mum made the knitted bag and the knitted material for the purse and I created the purse. Our customer wanted the bag and purse to be really girlie so my Mum chose bright pink, light pink and white for the colour theme and used these colours in thin stripes.

Price: £15.00                                            In Stock: One of each

I lined the knitted bag and purse with a pink cotton lining and added a cup cake button for decoration. Below shows a few different variations of the bag and purse. If there is a combination of colours you would like, please feel free to email me or leave me a comment.

Although this bag has been knitted and has knitted handles, it is still a strong little bag and the lining also adds durability. A perfect gift for a little girl :)

Comments are welcome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara, this looks cool!
