Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Hand felted Zap Lolly Purse.

This Zap Lolley Purse was made for a friend of mine. I told her about this lovely felt fibre that i had found and so she wanted a purse making out of the fibre! :)

Price: £12.00


I took the colour scheme from the colours existing in the fibres, Lilac and blue. For decoration  a cup cake button was placed with small pearl styled beads.

I named this purse the "Zap Lolley Purse" as it reminded me of the Zap Lolleys you can buy from ice cream vans. with the different colours mixed together.

This is one of my favorite zip purses that i have made as you get a lovely effect when you create the felt with the different coloured fibres.

My friend was really happy with her purse!! :p Comments are welcome.

1 comment:

paulntrav said...

Great design my all time fave lolly